Project Date:

 November 2015 – 2016


Natuna Sea

Project Duration:

30 days for data acquisition and

210 days for data processing


Site Survey Report

Truview 3D Point cloud

HD Photo and 360 degree panoramic

3D PDMS Semi intelligence model


The Natuna Sea Block A PSC is located in the Natuna Sea, covering an area of 5,000 sq km with water depths of between 250 and 350 feet. It is about 1,100 km north of Jakarta. Geologically, it is part of the West Natuna Basin.

Premier Oil Natuna Sea BV (PONS BV), as an operator, plans to made some modification both at GAJAH BARU CPP and GBWP. PONS BV has recognized the complexity of additional works associated with the modifications field and the necessity to minimize shut down times during the works, It has therefore decided to have an accurate 3D model developed using the latest laser survey techniques to facilitate engineering and to minimize risks associated with clashes during the installation period.

We have been awarded by PT Synergy Engineering as contractor to PONS BV the Laser Scan 3D as-built survey as a specialist sub-contractor, we are using new technology of laser scanning to capture survey data in 3D which will enable 3D visualization of the facility which can then be used as a 3D base model to plot & visualize the existing facility in 3D format.